Hello Browser Extensions

Secrets 2.8.5 has been released and alongside various bug fixes and minor improvements the Mac version also includes a completely rewritten Safari extension.
The new extension works exactly the same way and continues to serve as a facilitator for Secrets itself. That is, it simply informs Secrets about pages with fillable forms which are only filled at Secrets's request. Like we've mentioned before, only Secrets deals with your passphrase and data. The extension only ever has access to your data -- the Login you chose to fill -- after you've explicitly authorised it in Secrets by clicking the "Fill" button.
So why the rewrite you may ask? Well, this rewrite brought a more reliable filling system but more importantly, it laid out the groundwork to accomodate extensions on other browsers besides Safari. This surely was one of the top three requests we've been getting ever since launching Secrets.
At last we're making available a beta version of both the Firefox and Chrome extensions today. If you want to try them out just make sure you have Secrets for Mac 2.8.5 or above. As always, we love to hear from you, so if you have any feedback on these extensions you can reach us via e-mail or on Twitter.